Joining the Plant Intelligence Studies Community

Stefano Mancuso is the first 'Plant NeuroPhysicist', and a founding member of 'The Society of Plant Signaling and Behavior', which has been gathering for more than 10 years molecular geneticists, biochemists, electrophysiologists, physiological ecologists, community ecologists, mathematical modelers, plant designers, and even philosophers.

Ghostwood is proud to have joined this community, as an observer of course, but able to relay the upcoming breakthroughs in this fascinating domain.

We already know that plants have all our senses (they can see, hear, touch, smell and see) without the organs usually associated with them and they have some more specific exclusive senses. We also know that they have very important and intense social lifes. But, are plants intelligent?

Druidic Sacred Earth

In Rambouillet Forest, near Parc Asterix.. Collecting supposedly the best "Terre de Bruyère" in the area ! with Amaterasu Talisman to keep things under control..